Top 10 Interview Question for Flutter App Developer

Gadhavi Uma
3 min readDec 28, 2020


Interview Question Answer for Flutter App Developer

Hello Flutter Lovers, If you are seeing this Article that means you are preparing for an interview as Flutter App Developer. Congratulations on choosing Flutter I hope you like to work with Flutter. And all the best for your Interview I wish you good luck!!

I am creating a series for this Interview Question Answers. This for someone who is giving an interview for a Jr. Flutter Developer or Someone who wants to quickly brush up their Flutter Basics.

Q.1) What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s Framework to create a Cross-Platform Application. Flutter is used as a UI(User Interface) Tool Kit to develop natively compiled, platform Independent, Quick, and beautifully Designed Applications for Android, iOS, Windows, and Web.

Flutter is not a Programming language but is an open-source SDK( Software Development Kit). Give Developer a facility to create once run anywhere code to work efficiently in different environments. Uses Dart as Programing Language

The very first version of Flutter was released in May 2017.

Q.2) What is Dart? Why Flutter Uses Dart as Programing Language?

Dart: It is an Object-Oriented Programing Language Developed by Google.

Reasons Flutter use Dart are

  1. Fast Compilation and execution
  2. Provide Stateful hot reload
  3. Provide Smooth Animation and Avoid jank
  4. Efficient Memory Allocation & Management
  5. Garbage Collection

To Understand this better check out my previous article

Q.3) What is a Widget? How many types of Widgets are available? Provide Names

Flutter Application is a collection of different Widgets

Widget: Widgets are basically UI Components. In flutter everything is Widget. They can be broadly classified into two types 1)Stateless Widget 2)Stateful Widget

Q.4) What is the Difference between a Stateful and Stateless widget?

StatelFull Widget: This type of Widget is created and when the user performs an action according to that dynamically changes the state and recreate itself. For example when we click on the check box its state changes and which creates a different UI than the initial.

Stateless Widget: This type of widget doesn’t change its state. For Example, Textfield doesn’t change remains the same don’t change its value or state

Q.5)How many types of build modes are available in Flutter? State the names

Three types of build modes are provided by Flutter to test our application in different phases of the app development cycle. 1)Debug mode 2)Profile mode, 3) Release mode

Q.6) What is pubspec.yml?

pubspec.yml file contains all project-related configuration settings such as the name of Flutter Application, Description about the application, configuration of all assets such as images, audio, and other files. it is mandatory to maintain all dependency in the pubspec.yml file.

Q.7) Explain the Advantages of Using Flutter for Mobile Application development?

Advantages of Using Flutter as Mobile App Development Technolgy are:

  1. Provide Cross Platform Development
  2. Faster Testing using Hot Relod and Hot Restart
  3. Better and Interactive UI design
  4. Minimal Code
  5. Good Community support
  6. Well formed Documentation is provided.

Q.8) Which one is best between ReactNative and Flutter?

Both are cross platform used to create hybrid application. React Native is developed by facebook and Flutter is developed by Google.

Flutter uses Dart and React Native ues JavaScript for creating Application

Both are Providing same functionality so it is difficult to choose one from them.

Flutter is new and we can say currently in development phase. on contrast React Native is Old and can say completely developed

Q.9)What is Hot Reload?

Hot Relod is feature that allows developer to instantly and easily perfom experiments and see according result in fraction of time.

Q.10) Popular Database Types are used in Flutter?

Flutter used sqflite database and Firebase as cloud Database

Hope these Quetions- Answers help you your Interview!!!

Best of Luck

