7 steps to Master Flutter App Development

Gadhavi Uma
4 min readDec 20, 2020


How to become Flutter Developer
How to become flutter developer

Step-by-Step Guide/ Roadmap for Learning Flutter

Hello flutter lovers!! In my last article mentioned basic of flutter, and how Flutter is becoming first choice of the Developer. Let’s get an overview how will you will gradually go through these steps and become a pro in flutter app development.

How to get started with flutter?

Step 1: Get familiar with Dart:

To get started with flutter, you will need to have knowledge basic Understanding of Dart Language. If you know any object-oriented languages like Java, PHP or Kotlin- Learning dart concept will be extremely easy.

Why Flutter uses Dart language?
Obviously this question will strike. As a quote says “Everything Happens for a reason” ha ha... but yes Google has chosen Dart for Flutter Development very Wisely let us Understand why dart is prefered
1. Fast Compilation and execution: Dart is well suitable for AOT(ahead-of-time) and JIT (Just in Time) Compiler which provide fast execution
2. Dart provides a standalone Virtual Machine:-for better performance and efficiency to work without depending on platform
3. Provide Functionality Hot reload: quickly execute the changes and display effects
4. Unified and interactive UI: very easily implantable material design
5. Garbage Collection: it automatically removes unused part which occupy memory. As it frees up and clean it automatically app can perform better.
Have given major reasons Flutter uses dart, but you wanted to go in depth then you can check out this


YouTube is easy and faster way to learn anything so you can start learning from YouTube channel
My recommendation are:
1) Smartherd’s Dart Programming tutorials
2) Freecodecamp.org’s Dart programming tutorials.

If you are like me and like to read and learn, then I request you to go through these websites and understand basic concepts regarding dart.
You can check tutorial from
1) Dart.dev official channel from Dart Programmers
2) Tutorial point’s dart tutorials

If you want me to post in-depth tutorial on dart comment “Dart Tutorials” in comment section

Step 2: Install Android Studio or Vs code, install flutter:

In above article I have explained how to set environment and tools setup for flutter. If you stuck at any stage in installation, you can ask me.

Step 3: Everything in Flutter is Widget: Flutter has an enormous amount of widgets available. We can combine these Widgets and create beautiful UI design. So learning flutter requires knowledge of pre build widgets that are available.
We can broadly classify widget in two types:
1) Statefull Widget 2) Statless Widget

1) Stateful Widget: This type of Widget’ state gets changed on user’s interaction. Ex. Checkbox can have checked or unchecked state. When the user clicks it changes, we can turn similarly switches on or off state. Likewise, such widget whose state can change are called stateful widget.

2) Stateless widget: Widget Like Labels, Text which don’t change once specified are called stateless widget
Most commonly Used Widgets are:
Row, column, Stack, Container, AppBar, Material app, Scaffold, Navigation drawer, Bottom navigation Drawer, Cards, Center, Slider, button and many more!!!
Don’t worry, I will explain each

Step 3: Design Application in Flutter
As I told, everything in flutter is Widget so you can deconstruct your design in widget and start implementing

you can checkout layout specification from

Step 4) Providing Interactivity to UI
Once you have designed app, now you have to manage Navigations and other action user performs on your App and Handling State change of widget according to user interaction.

Step 5) Connect App With Firebase
Firebase can store data in actual time. You will need to connect app with firebase to provide authentication for app, storing, retrieving and updating data. To provide push notifications and other similar functionalities. Mostly using Json Parsing.

Step 6) Use Different Api
You will need to integrate different api with your app like you want to give payment option to user you will have to implement such api related to payment gateways, you will need api for using map and other such functionalities. To store and retrieve data to and from firebase.

Step 7) Provide persistence in data
Manage different data related operation, have to manage access and moderation of data to different users

Iterate these seven steps every time you try to create app and soon you are going to become a master in flutter app development

Practice a lot, as in practice makes a man perfect. Hope this can be helpful.

